Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wrighting in Reverse

Toby White is an 87 year old male who still has the heart and soul of a 17 year old boy. That is why today is the 2nd best day of his life. When Toby was 77 years old his wife past away due to cancer, which was so hard for Toby because Alice his wife was not only his wife but also his best friend. After Alice had died Toby had filled his life with work and “idea’s” of a new life. Toby has been an employee of a small independent science lab for the past 30 years. For the past ten years Toby has been working on a secret project that would hopefully change his life for the better. Toby has been working on a TIME MACHINE. Right after Alice died he thought about how is was going to continue his life and that’s when it hit him, that the only way he could live his life, is if he found a way to get Alice back into his life. If he goes back to the time when he first met Alice he can redo everyday he had with Alice, he could take back every fight, and he could take back everything he did wrong, it is a chance at a second shot at an all ready wonderful life. When Toby first had finished the first model of the time machine five years earlier the machine did not work due to the amount of energy that it consumed. Today was going to be different, he was sure that he had planed everything out perfectly, and calculated every last number, he was ready for his second chance. Today Toby’s mind is filled with everything that he is going to do over in his life, all of the vacations he is going to take, there is one thing that he will not do again, and he will never walk through these subway gates alone again. As Toby walks through the subway gates he is consumed in the thought that he is the luckiest man in the world, and the only person that will ever get a second chance with the one he loved. When Toby awoke this morning, instead of putting on his regular clothes that consisted of a pair of black slacks, black work jacket, and his hair combed to one side, he put on the outfit that Alice had bought him a year before she had died. While Toby sits on the subway he tries to think about the machine and the math behind it, but all his thoughts are clouded by the picture of Alice’s face floating around his head. As Toby arrives at the Lab he does not take off his coat or his hat, instead he goes to the basement and under a couple of heavy boxes and attacks of papers Toby uncovers his time machine. Toby can feel the life coming back into him, he can feel the butterflies in his stomach, and he can all ready smell Alice’s sweet perfume. Toby sits on the bench that he got from one of the banded offices on the top floor of the building. He types in the date to the small computer screen, “1939 the best day that I will ever have” he mummers to himself, and with a quick hit to the enter button Toby is in the basement of another building that he does not recognize, there is a large mirror on the wall and when he looks into it he sees the face that he has not seen in many years he sees the face of 17 year old Toby White.

1 comment:

  1. This story was really touching! I loved how you used a time machine - I started reading your story and was super surprised by that part! It was so sweet though and I loved the details such as that her perfume was still lingering there.
    <3 you babes
