Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vocab. Week #1

Flourish – to grow luxuriantly, or thrive in growth, as a plant.
My plants seemed to flourish when I started speaking to them daily.
Renegade – a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
I will renegade the Republican Party because I do not believe in the tactics of their government.
Repose – peace; tranquility; calm.
She was very repose when she read her book by the river.
Stereotype – to give a fixed form to.
Pit bulls have been stereotyped as being mean aggressive dogs when in reality they are compassionate creatures.
Tempo – relative rapidity or rate of movement, usually indicated by such terms as adagio, allegro, etc., or by reference to the metronome.
My favorite song has a very strong and steady tempo.
Tranquility – quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
The thought of lying on the beach in the sun may make you feel tranquil.
Tumult - a general outbreak, riot, uprising, or other disorder
As the Tumult grew the officials were moved out of the city for their safety.
Tundra - one of the vast, nearly level, treeless plains of the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America.
The tundra in North America is so large and beautiful that it brings many visitors every year.
Unanimous- characterized by or showing complete agreement. For the proposition there was a unanimous.

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